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Intermedia Print Solutions
100 Overlook Center Suite 200, FL 2,
Princeton, NJ 08540

October 14, 2024

6 Ways Print Materials Can Help with Your Product Launch Promotion

A new product launch is like throwing a party and inviting the whole world! It’s one of the most exhilarating moments for any business, where anticipation and excitement are through the roof.

Imagine spending countless hours perfecting your latest product. Now, it’s time to show it off and share it with your customers. 

You’re not just introducing something new; you’re showcasing your commitment to solving your customers’ problems and improving their lives.

Getting your product launch just right can feel like walking a tightrope. You must grab attention, create buzz, and keep the momentum rolling. 

That’s where print materials can be a big help.

Yes, trade show displays, retail POP displays, banners, and flyers can work wonders to make your product launch promotion successful.

But what makes them effective, and how can you use them when you release a new item on the market?

In this article, you’ll learn how to launch a new product with tried-and-true print materials that help your brand shine. 

How to Launch and Promote a New Product with Print Materials

When doing new product launch advertisements, making a splash is crucial. Print materials, though sometimes overlooked in the digital age, can be powerful tools to help you stand out. Here’s how you can use them effectively:

1. Explain the benefits through brochures

Don’t underestimate just how much power brochures can have as promotional materials. One study found that 79% of people who receive a brochure will interact with the brand, proving that print still packs a punch.

Brochures might seem old-school, but they’re far from outdated. These handy little print products can give your potential customers a detailed look at your new product by explaining its benefits and features and why it’s worth their attention. Brochures are tangible, meaning people are likelier to keep and refer to them later.


Focus on clear, compelling visuals and concise messaging to make your brochures more effective. The layout also plays a big role as you guide your reader from one piece of information to another.

Highlight key features and benefits, and don’t forget to include a call to action. For a more interactive experience, add a QR code leading to your website or a video.

For example, you’re launching a new line of eco-friendly kitchen appliances. A brochure can showcase each product’s environmentally sound features, from energy efficiency to sustainable materials.

2. Capture attention with trade show displays

Trade shows are all about making connections with new potential customers, and a well-designed display can get your business’ message across. Large-format print displays showcase your new product in a setting where potential customers actively look for what’s new and exciting. They grab attention and offer an immersive experience that digital ads can’t match.

Focus on creating a visually striking design that’s consistent with your brand. Use interactive elements like demos or hands-on experiences to engage visitors. A bold, clear message can also help you stand out in a crowded space. Then, have business cards available to handle customer inquiries afterward.

A vibrant, interactive display that allows people to test the product on the show floor can be a game-changer. In fact, 70% of companies participating in trade shows say they gain more qualified leads through this channel than other marketing efforts.

3. Enhance the customer experience with retail POP displays

Retail point-of-purchase (POP) displays are eye-catching setups in stores, often near the checkout counters. Their purpose is to grab attention and drive impulse buys. POP displays can be particularly effective for a new product launch because they target customers who are already in a buying mindset.

When designing your POP display, ensure it’s visually appealing and easy to navigate. Highlight the new product’s unique selling points, and consider using bright colors or bold graphics to draw the eye. Make sure not to overwhelm them with options, though. At checkout, customers are looking to pick up a product immediately.

For instance, if you’re selling a new line of gourmet snacks, a well-placed POP display near the checkout featuring colorful packaging and perhaps some sample bites can encourage shoppers to add your product to their cart on a whim.

4. Increase brand awareness through flyers and posters

Sell sheets and flyers, as well as posters, are perfect for spreading the word about your new product quickly and effectively. They’re versatile and cost-effective for increasing brand visibility since you can place them in high-traffic areas.

Keep your message clear and concise. Use striking visuals to draw attention and include a solid call to action—like a special launch discount or an invitation to a launch event. 

Then, distribute flyers in locations where your target audience is likely to be. Meanwhile, partnering with local businesses to display your posters can give your campaign more mileage.


While you’re at it, strike up a conversation with your customers on the ground as you hand out flyers. You never know who you might convert into a customer.

5. Target specific customers by having outdoor banners

Outdoor banners are a fantastic way to reach a broad audience, especially in high-traffic areas. They’re big, bold, and hard to miss. Banners draw attention to your new product, whether outside your store or at a popular event.

For outdoor banners, location is everything. Choose a spot with high foot or vehicle traffic. If you’re launching a new coffee blend, placing an outdoor banner near busy cafes or office buildings could catch the eye of your target audience.

Make sure the design is simple yet striking, with large fonts and vibrant colors that people can easily read from a distance. Meanwhile, incorporating your product’s key selling points and a call to action—like a website URL or social media handle—can help drive engagement.

6. Encourage customer engagement and interaction with direct mail

Direct mail is making a comeback, and for a good reason. It is personal and tangible and can create a lasting impression. When launching a new product, a well-crafted direct mail campaign can grab your customers’ attention and encourage them to act.

Personalization is critical with direct mail. Address your customers by name while tailoring the content to their interests. Include an exclusive offer—like a discount or early access to the new product—to entice them further. A QR code leading to a personalized landing page can also boost engagement.

A good example would be if you’re doing a skincare product launch. A piece of direct mail with a product sample or coupon for a first purchase can drive immediate action. Direct mail has a 9% response rate, compared to approximately 1% to 5% for email, showing its potential for high engagement.

The Power of Print

As you gear up for your next product launch, remember that print materials offer a unique, tangible way to connect with your audience. Whether through informative brochures, eye-catching trade show displays, engaging POP setups, or attention-grabbing outdoor banners, each tool has a pivotal role in making your new product stand out.

Print materials create a lasting impression that digital media alone can’t achieve. So, if you want to certify your product launch as a hit, don’t underestimate the power of print. Partnering with an expert printing company can give you a leg up in attracting attention to your displays. 

Intermedia Print Solutions can provide the proper print materials for your next product launch and other campaigns. Head over to our website to place an order or request an estimate.


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