Political Sticky Notes Printing and Door Hanger Printing Strategies
Door Hangers, Sticky Notes, and Palm Cards, Hang Tags are # 2 on the list of most effective political campaign marketing products for candidates. Interrnedia Print Solutions helps candidates get the word out to voters in Princeton, New Jersey and from the Hudson River to the Delaware and from all points North and South.

Printed Sticky Notes
Are great for last minute get-out-and-vote messages. "Sorry, I Missed You," notes on a voter's front door allow the candidate to connect personally. “Hi! I just dropped by to remind you to vote today" notes placed at eye level may help improve voter turnout. They may be more effective and are cheaper than Palm Cards and Door Hangers, especially when the voter is not home and lives in an apartment building.
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2-in-1 Palm Cards and Die-cut Door Hangers
A political campaign can save money by ordering 2-in-1 Palm Cards that double as Door Hangers.
Ring or knock first. If a voter answers, you may have the opportunity to introduce yourself, ask about the voter's goals for a candidate, and build a rapport. If no one is home, affix a "Sorry I Missed You" or a personal Sticky Note message on the door to convey the importance of your visit and desire to get to know the voter. String the 2-in-1 Palm Card through the one-fourth inch hole and hang it on the doorknob.
You have many options for beautifully printed campaign marketing materials, traditional die-cut door hangers, palm cards, and sticky notes to help you win your election.