Custom Manual Printing

Employee Handbooks and Procedures Manuals are a must for many companies. Our printing team at New Jersey believes that printing, collating, and binding your printed manuals and handbooks in house shouldn’t be included on your to-do list. Here, there are many types of expert manual binding available to you.
Let our tried and true process give you peace of mind during manual printing: everything from basic black and white copies to full-color inserts and transparencies to custom designed index tabs and binders. Our team produces professionally printed manuals and handbooks at lower total cost than in house versions. The cost of ink, toner, paper, and best use of employee time should not be the only consideration; include in-house staff time as well.
Of course, new employee handbooks should be reviewed by your legal counsel for compliance with federal and state laws and regulations and should be modified to suit your organization’s culture, industry, and practices.